The Edge


Global Patient-Centric Care: MOSH’s Medical Mission Trip to Honduras with One World Surgery

At MOSH, our mission and vision are to provide the best care, always placing the patient at the center of what we do. That’s why we are so…

Non-Surgical Treatments for Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a painful condition caused by chronic inflammation of the tendons in the elbow. It’s a common condition among people who play sports like…

Caring for a Small Child with a Broken Bone

Kids have accidents; that’s just a given. They’re natural daredevils, afraid of nothing. Unfortunately, as much as we’d love to protect our kids from the dangers of contact…

Lower Back Pain? It Could Be Your SI Joint

Your lower back is screaming with pain. You’re past the point of ignoring it. Did you realize the problem could be caused by a joint that—strangely enough—barely moves?…

Stop Your Back Pain: What You Need to Know About Spinal Fusion

Is back pain stopping you from enjoying your active lifestyle? It might surprise you to know that nearly 80% of U.S. adults have back pain at some point…

8 Foods That Help Mitigate Joint Pain

Joint pain is the result of inflammation, but perhaps surprisingly, it’s more prevalent in young people than you might think. The CDC reports that nearly 31% of people…

How Are Robots Used in Surgery?

In the 1880s, a German surgeon named Themistocles Gluck invented the practice of joint replacement. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Gluck designed and implanted artificial…

Best Friends: Core Workouts and Hip Strengthening Exercises

The hip is an important, yet underrecognized joint. It’s not simply a point of mobility, it’s a source of great power and strength in our physiology. When NBA…

The Risk of Contact Sports: What to Know About CTE Brain Injury

Have you heard the term “CTE brain injury” before? If your child is active in contact sports, you’ve likely heard of this sports-related injury. Millions of athletes that…